Your Home's Foundation: When Repairs Are Necessary

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Your home's foundation is very important but is often overlooked for one main reason: the majority of the foundation is underground and you likely don't even think about it that often, if at all. Your foundation is the very basis your existing home sits on, and it's braced with many poles, bars, and concrete slabs, among other things. While your foundation should last for as long as your home does, there are times in which the foundation actually needs to be addressed and addressed quickly.

A foundation can fail because the ground underneath shifts, the home gets flooded and damages wood beams or joists, or the home has been relocated or added onto and now needs new support. Here are some signs that a repair is necessary on your home's foundation. Repair costs vary depending on how bad your damages are and what is needed to repair them.

When doors and windows have issues

When your home's foundation starts to shift and fail, one of the first things you'll see is that your windows won't close all the way or close awkwardly. Doors will be hard to close, or they may start to show uneven gaps that indicate there is a major problem going on. Since the window frames and the door frames are put in place assuming the home is level on its ground, when they start to feel or look uneven, your foundation is the first thing you should think about.

When your home looks uneven on the outside

You aren't seeing things if it looks like your garage is suddenly at a different level than the rest of your house or if your home appears to be sinking into the earth. If you've been noticing water pooling up next to your house or see other signs that your house doesn't look quite level like it used to, particularly if you have a house that is resting on a very old foundation, have a foundation repair specialist give your house an inspection to see what is going on.

When your home has undergone a disaster

Flood, fire, earthquakes, and other types of damages can cause your home's foundation to fail. If your home needs major repairs to the interior and exterior, the foundation should absolutely be inspected as well to see if a foundation repair is necessary. A house foundation repair contractor will come to your house and give it a thorough inspection to see what repairs are needed and will give you a quote before they begin working.

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Repair it and Keep on Going When something breaks, what do you do? If the item is something small like a hair tie or a sock, you probably throw it away, and that is completely understandable. But when the item costs $100 or more to replace, you should really attempt to have it repaired rather than just tossing and replacing it. There are companies that will repair most anything, from pants to toasters. Sometimes it just takes the right know-how and a simple part to get something working again. If you like the idea of repairing things rather than tossing them out, then you're going to love this website. It's all about repairs!

