Is Your Home Flooded? How To Avoid Costly Mistakes

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When you're hit by a flood, your first thought is to get your home cleared away. But, the way you clear out your home is crucial. Mistakes can cost you dearly after a flood. Use the information provided below to avoid mistakes while you clear out your home after a flood.

Wear Sturdy Boots

Floods don't just fill your home with water. They also fill it with unexpected debris. Some of the debris can cause serious injuries. This is particularly true of debris that has either sharp or jagged edges. Protect yourself from injuries. Always wear sturdy boots before wading into the water.

Protect Your Carpet

If your carpet is under water, take steps to avoid further damage. First, remove all area or accent rugs. Second, leave your carpet attached to the floor. If you leave the rugs in place, the dyes can seep through to your carpet. The end result is a carpet covered in unusual stains. If you loosen the carpet from the floor, the fibers will shrink as they dry. If that happens, your carpet won't fit the right way once your home dries out. If you're unsure how to care for your water-damaged carpet after a flood, leave that to your professional restoration company.

Care for Your Clothing

If you clothes came in contact with the flood water, take care of them right away. You may be tempted to place them in a laundry basket for the time being. But, that's not the best course of action. Leaving your clothing in the laundry basket increases the risk for mold growth. Instead, load up your wet clothes and take them to a local laundromat as soon as possible. That way, you can get everything clean and dry at the same time. If you have bedding that is wet, follow the same procedure.

Wait for the Dumpster

If your home flooded, wait to use the dumpster. If you start using the dumpster too soon, you may toss out things that your insurance adjuster needs to document. You might also toss out belongings that your professional water-damage restoration team can restore for you. Go ahead and rent the dumpster, but wait to start throwing things away until after the inspections.

If you find yourself faced with the daunting task of cleaning up after a flood, use the tips provided here to avoid mistakes. For help with the cleanup efforts, contact a water damage restoration company near you.

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Repair it and Keep on Going When something breaks, what do you do? If the item is something small like a hair tie or a sock, you probably throw it away, and that is completely understandable. But when the item costs $100 or more to replace, you should really attempt to have it repaired rather than just tossing and replacing it. There are companies that will repair most anything, from pants to toasters. Sometimes it just takes the right know-how and a simple part to get something working again. If you like the idea of repairing things rather than tossing them out, then you're going to love this website. It's all about repairs!

