Taking Your Pet Care Business On The Road? What To Look For When Shopping For A Mobile Grooming Trailer

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As the nation's number of pets has risen, so has the demand for service providers to handle their specific needs. Grooming, shampooing, nail trimming and other basic hygiene and beautification services are some of these requested pet care needs.

In response to this demand, many people have become interested in opening their own pet grooming business as a mobile enterprise, instead of being limited to a permanent location. If you are among these entrepreneurs, here are some tips you can use to improve your experience when shopping for mobile grooming trailers

What do you plan to pull your mobile grooming trailer with? 

Before beginning to shop for a mobile grooming trailer, you will want to first decide what vehicle you plan to pull it with and make sure that it will be up to the task. Small trailers can often be safely pulled with sport utility vehicles (SUVs) or mid- or full-size trucks and vans, depending on the vehicle's towing capacity and the combined weight of the vehicle and the trailer. 

What type of water and electrical needs will you have? 

Another factor that must be considered is the type of water and electrical needs your mobile grooming business will have. In addition to the basic electrical needs for lighting and powering clippers and hair dryers, most mobile groomers will also need sufficient power resources for heating, air conditioning, and supplying hot water. If your mobile grooming trailer will also contain laundry appliances, their power needs must also be computed. 

Mobile groomers may be able to plug into grid power at their clients' homes or businesses, but will also need to have stable alternate power, such as solar, battery pack, or generator power for appointments where grid power sources are not available. Before shopping, take a moment to compile a list of all expected power needs and then ask the sales representative to help you determine which mobile trailers are designed to provide this power or could be customized to do so. 

What licenses and permits will be required? 

When shopping for a mobile grooming trailer, it is also critical that shoppers have a good understanding of the licenses and permits they will need. Larger trailers, especially those used for business purposes may require a commercial driver's license (CDL). In addition, there may be local or state regulations that will provide clues for selecting the right mobile grooming trailer. 

Selecting the right mobile grooming trailer can be a complicated process. Taking time to discuss your venture's expected needs and budget is an excellent way to help narrow your search process and ensure that the mobile grooming trailer you ultimately purchase is exactly what you need.

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