Restoring Your Kitchen After A Fire: It Can Be Done

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A fire in the kitchen is a devasting experience, but it is one that you can overcome. However, there is some work involved in the process. If you face this scenario, learn what you can do in this situation. 

Assess Safety

In a situation like this, oftentimes, a person's main goal is to bring back a sense of normalcy. So, the goal is to get to work as soon as possible repairing the kitchen. There is nothing wrong with this sense of urgency, but it's critical that you assess your safety first and foremost.

A home fire does more than cause cosmetic damage; it can also cause structural damage. If you overlook this factor and you start opening cabinet doors or moving things around in the kitchen, you could seriously injure yourself. It's essential that you not enter the area until you have the clearance that it's safe. 

Make Note of Immediate Damage

Once you are able to safely walk around the kitchen, grab a piece of paper and make note of the immediate damage you see. For instance, are the countertops, cabinets, or backsplash destroyed? This information is especially helpful, as the first step of the restoration process often involves filing a claim with your insurance provider. 

Although the insurance company will send someone out to assess the damage, the information you collect will help you initiate the process. As you assess the damage, you can also use this information as an opportunity to see just how extensive a repair process you can expect. 

Remove What You Can

It's also a good idea to remove any items that you can. Depending on the level of damage and location of the fire, it's possible that some of the items in your kitchen can be restored and do not need to be replaced. For example, if your microwave or other appliances were not damaged, remove them and set them aside.

This step is especially important because it can help you once you begin the repair and restoration process, as it provides you an opportunity to save money.

Repair Services Can Help

It's critical that you partner with a fire damage repair service after a fire. From assessing the degree of damage to the cleaning and restoration process, these professionals will work hard to help you restore your kitchen to its pre-fire stage. Contact a repair service as soon as possible for the best result.

Remember, you can recover after a fire in your home, so take the necessary steps to move forward.

If you have fire damage in your home, speak to a restoration professional in your area to get it fixed.

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