Hidden Mold Dangers In The Home

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Mold in the home is not always obvious. Many people are under the mistaken impression that if they don't see mold growing in obvious areas, such as on the walls or ceiling, then they don't have a mold problem in their home. Unfortunately, mold often grows in the spots where you are less likely to spot it. If you live in a rainy, damp, or humid climate, or in a home with poor ventilation, it's important to check some of these hidden spots periodically to make sure no mold is growing.

Under Plumbing Fixtures

Mold grows in damp, poorly ventilated areas. Undersink cabinets can often provide these ideal conditions, as can areas around hot water heaters or boilers. Don't crowd these spots with storage, especially beneath a sink, since a crowded cabinet can hide developing mold. Instead, keep these areas clean and organized so that you can inspect them regularly for any signs of moisture or mold growth.

Storage Areas

Mold can grow undisturbed in damp storage areas throughout your home. Basement storage rooms and closets that are rarely opened are the most obvious locations, but anywhere that has stored paper, cardboard boxes, or clothing storage can be at risk. Mold is often found growing in closets, either on the wall behind hung clothing or on the carpet. Keep storage areas organized and clean and inspect them regularly to prevent mold.

Around Appliances

Certain appliances can increase the likelihood of mold growth, either on the wall or floor near the appliance or inside the appliance itself. For example, seals in washing machines and dishwashers often develop mold growth if they aren't cleaned regularly. Mold can also grow on the wall behind the refrigerator due to condensation buildup on dirty refrigerator coils. Move your appliances and clean behind and beneath them periodically so you can catch mold growth early.

In the Attic

The attic can be prone to mold for two reasons. The most obvious is moisture coming in via roof leaks. There can also be mold without a leak, simply because warm, moist air rises into the attic, where it can lead to mold growth on insulation or on walls and rafters. Proper ventilation in the attic can prevent future mold, but any current mold must be cleaned up so it doesn't spread.

Contact a mold remediation service in your area if you suspect that there is any mold growth inside your home.   

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