Protecting Your Basement With A Waterproof Coating

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The basement will often be one of the areas of a home that will be at the greatest risk of developing substantial water damage. This can lead to the home needing major repairs in order to address the structural issues that water damage in the basement can cause. Luckily, there are basement waterproofing services that will be able to greatly improve the resiliency of your home against this type of damage.

What Are The Major Advantages Of Waterproofing Your Basement Walls?

Much of the risk of water damage for the basement may stem from moisture seeping through the walls. This can occur due to the moisture seeping through small cracks and pores in these walls. Once inside the basement, this moisture can get trapped where it may cause substantial damage. Applying a waterproof sealant to the walls will address these problems as it will form a barrier that will keep the water from being able to penetrate the walls.

Are The Effects Of Waterproofing Permanent?

The effects of a waterproof sealant on the walls of the basement will be extremely durable. However, it is highly likely that a homeowner will need to have these sealants reapplied after many years. There can be situations where this coating may need to be reapplied sooner than this. In particular, this will be the case if the basement suffers fire damage or flooding. It may seem strange that flooding can weaken the protection from this coating, but being submerged can gradually cause this coating to become compromised. Therefore, these coatings should always be inspected and potentially replaced after the basement suffers severe water or fire damage.  

Why Should You Hire A Contractor To Apply A Waterproof Sealant To The Basement Walls?

The assumption that applying a waterproof sealant to the basement walls will be similar to painting so it can lead to some homeowners attempting to make this improvement on their own. However, these coatings are clear, and this can make it extremely difficult for you to be sure that you have covered all of the walls. If any sections of the walls are missed, the basement may not be protected as the moisture could still seep through the areas that were missed. A professional basement wall waterproofing contractor will be able to ensure that all of the walls are coated with this sealant evenly. Furthermore, some of these services can even apply these coatings multiple times in a short period of time to provide maximum protection against moisture seeping through the walls.

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