There are problems with hydraulic systems that can be avoided by doing maintenance when it is needed. One of the repairs that often needs to be done is replacing a hydraulic seal. It is better to replace these seals when you notice wear or a leak rather than waiting for them to blow out and cause serious problems. The following hydraulic seal replacement guide will help you complete this maintenance before seals fail.
1. Inspect Your Equipment To Locate Worn, Leaking And Failing Seals That Need To Be Replaced
The first thing that you will need to do is identify areas where seals are leaking that need to be repaired. You will also want to look for areas with wear and visible signs of damage that could cause seals to fail. If there is damage to the steel where seals need to be replaced, these parts may also need to be machined and repaired before the new hydraulic seals can be installed on your equipment.
2. Make Sure All The Parts Of Machinery Are In A Resting Position Before Cleaning Them
Sometimes, the heavy parts of machinery are lifted by the power of the hydraulic system. This can be a dangerous problem when you are doing maintenance and repairs like replacing hydraulic seals. Therefore, you will want to make sure the hydraulic parts are in resting positions before you continue to do repairs and remove parts to replace damaged seals.
3. Draining The Hydraulic Fluid From The System And Inspecting It Before Removing Parts
Once you are sure that it is safe to work on your hydraulic system, you will want to remove all the fluid from the pump, manifold and lines. Save the hydraulic fluids in a clean barrel to reuse them once the repairs are completed. You will want to inspect the fluid to make sure it is clean and look for signs of damaged parts like particles in the hydraulic fluid. If the fluid is dirty, it is going to be better to recycle it and fill your machinery with new hydraulic fluid.
4. Removing The Hydraulic Parts With Blown Seals And Replacing Them To Keep Your Equipment Online
Once the fluids have been removed, you will be ready to remove the parts where you need to install the new seals. Make sure that the metal services where new seals are installed are clean before putting the hydraulic system back together. Once you have filled the system with hydraulic fluid, turn the machinery on, inspect for leaks and adjust the hydraulic systems before you start using the equipment again.
These steps will help you go through replacing hydraulic seals to maintain your equipment and prevent failures that can cause serious damage.
To learn more, contact a hydraulic seal supplier like HyVal Industries Inc.