Need A New Foundation? 4 Ways To Protect Your Investment

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If you need to have your foundation repaired, take steps to avoid future problems. Foundation repairs can be quite costly. The last thing you want is to get stuck with foundation damage down the line. That's why it's important that you protect your new foundation. Here are four steps you can take to protect your new foundation. 

Avoid Water Saturation

Once you have your new foundation, you'll need to protect it from water damage. Water might not seem like a threat to concrete. But it can be. This is especially true if there's too much water. Once water gets under the foundation, concrete can decay and crumble. Your new foundation can sustain water damage from several different sources. Two of those sources are seasonal flooding and sprinkler systems. You can prevent flooding damage. One way is to install a French drain around the foundation of your home. Another way is to adjust your sprinklers away from the foundation of your home.

Maintain Adequate Soil Levels 

If your foundation needs repairs, watch for soil erosion. You might not realize this, but soil erosion is a leading cause of foundation damage. In fact, soil erosion can cause your foundation to collapse. That's why you'll need to protect against soil erosion once repairs are completed. The best way to do that is to inspect your foundation at least once a month. If you see signs of erosion, replace the soil as soon as possible. Soil levels should be several inches above the top edge of the foundation. 

Keep Plants Away From Foundation

If you're scheduled for foundation repairs, you'll need to remove any plants that are growing close to your home. The repair crew will need access to the area around the foundation. Once repairs get finished, you may want to put your plants back into their previous locations. Don't do that. Plants that grow too close to your home can cause damage to your foundation. That's because the roots can grow under the house. Avoid future damage. Keep your plants away from the foundation. 

Watch for Foundation Changes

If you live in earthquake country, you'll need to watch your foundation for damage. Earthquakes can break through the strongest foundations. Two types of damage that can occur include gaps and edges. If you notice gaps or edges forming under your flooring, take action. Those are signs that your foundation has sustained fresh damage. Contact a local foundation repair contractor immediately.

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Repair it and Keep on Going When something breaks, what do you do? If the item is something small like a hair tie or a sock, you probably throw it away, and that is completely understandable. But when the item costs $100 or more to replace, you should really attempt to have it repaired rather than just tossing and replacing it. There are companies that will repair most anything, from pants to toasters. Sometimes it just takes the right know-how and a simple part to get something working again. If you like the idea of repairing things rather than tossing them out, then you're going to love this website. It's all about repairs!

