Buying A House With Mold? What To Know About It

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When you go to buy a preexisting house, you have what is called your due diligence period. This is a time period in which you can hire professionals to come in and inspect and appraise your house and then back out of the home offer if things come up that you are worried about. One of the most common issues that potential homeowners run into in older homes is mold growth.

Mold is something that grows in climates where there is a lot of moisture such as an attic, a roof, a bathroom, in basements, or under sinks where there is a leaky pipe. The tricky thing about mold is that it is not only something that looks nasty but it can also be harmful to your health, which is why it's critical that you negotiate with the sellers to have the mold professionally removed. 

How Is Mold Removed? 

Mold is something that can be fairly aggressive and can grow super rapidly, which is why it's important that you get it taken care of as soon as possible. During the mold removal process, they will start out by testing the mold to see what kind of mold it is. Then, while the mold is being tested, they will start out by removing the area where the mold is. For instance, if there is mold in the drywall in your ceiling, then your mold removal specialist will either try to scrape off all of the mold or they will remove the drywall entirely so that it's gone. 

Once the mold has been removed, they will clean around it to make sure that it hasn't spread. Depending on the type of mold that is growing, the mold removal company may spray a cleaning solution that contains an ingredient like bleach in it to help sanitize the area and kill off any active mold spurs. 

How Long Does It Take? 

Depending on the size of the project, the mold removal process may only take a day, but it could take longer if it's extensive. Once the mold has been removed, you will also have to hire someone to repair any damage that took place, which is why it's important to notate everything into your contract with the buyer. 

When you buy a house that has mold in it, it's good to know that it can easily be professionally removed. If you want to learn a little bit more about mold removal, reach out to a company in your area. 

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