Water Damage Problems That Start After The Winter Weather When Snow Is Melting

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Sometimes, the problems with water damage in your home start off as minor issues that go unnoticed during cold winter weather. This can be a problem when the snow starts melting and spring rains come. Therefore, there may be issues with water damage that need to be repaired. Here are some of the water damage issues you will need to deal with as the snow begins to melt:

Ice Dams and Rot At Roof Eaves

Winter weather can cause serious damage to roofing. This is where a lot of water damage can start during the spring rains. This starts as snow and ice causes the shingles to wear at the eaves of the roof. Some of the water damage problems that need to be repaired in these areas include:

  • Rotting rafters and roof decking
  • Rotting soffit and cornice
  • Water damage at exterior walls

You will want to inspect the eaves for this water damage. This damage needs to be repaired before it expands into the interior of your home. If these problems go unnoticed, they often lead to other issues like mold growth.

Problems with Moisture at the Foundation

Another common spring water damage problem is due to the foundation. This can be due to the snowmelt that seeps into the soil. Thus, it is a good idea to inspect for water damage that can affect your basement. You may need to have restoration work done to areas where water has entered the finished areas of your basement. In addition, you want to check all the drainage systems to ensure they are working properly. If there is damage to the foundation and moisture in your home, then you will need to repair these issues.

Water Getting In Around Windows and Doors

The changes in temperatures can also cause issues with water getting in around windows and doors. This happens for several reasons, including:

  • Worn rain guards above openings
  • Cracks developing around the openings
  • Ice causing damage to window and door frames

The problems with water getting in around openings can cause damage to the wood framing. Sometimes, this damage can go unnoticed and spread to other areas of your home quickly. Therefore, you want to inspect all the openings and make sure to repair these issues.

The problems with water damage are often more noticeable in spring. If you have noticed a problem with moisture and water damage, contact a restoration contractor.

To learn more, contact a water damage restoration contractor.

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