When Do You Need Water Damage Restoration Services? 4 Signs to Observe

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Your home can experience water damage due to a storm or due to a leak. Water accumulation can cause significant damage to your house, so you need to know the warning signs to look out for. This way, you can get professional help early enough to protect the structural integrity of your house. If you notice any of the signs highlighted below, it's time to get water damage restoration services.

1. Mold Growth

Mold can only thrive in a damp environment because it needs water, nutrients, and warmth to grow. Therefore, if you notice mold in your home, you are possibly experiencing water damage. When the fungi accumulate, they will release numerous spores, which pose health risks when inhaled. They can cause irritations and respiratory complications, especially if you have allergies.

Therefore, you should get water damage restoration services to correct the problem. The experts will perform a mold remediation process and address the source of the problem. For example, they will repair a burst pipe, clean your house, and mitigate the risks to your structure.

You can tell you have mold in your house if you notice black, gray, or greenish cotton-like substances on the walls. A musty smell can also notify you of the presence of mold. The smell is usually a damp one like that of wet towels. It is essential to call professionals right away when you notice this issue.

2. Stains on the Walls or Ceiling

If you have stains on your walls or ceiling, you need the help of a water damage restoration professional. This is an obvious sign of a leak in your pipes or roof. When water leaks and accumulates at a particular spot, it will evaporate when the temperatures rise. After evaporation, it usually leaves minerals and salts on the surface, causing stains. The stained spots will appear darker than other areas and might have green, dark brown, orange, or dark yellow colors.

3. Warped Flooring

Warped wood floors are caused mainly by standing water due to a plumbing leak. You will notice that your wooden boards have curled edges or bulges at the center. A professional will help you fix the water issue and repair the floor. However, if the damage is extensive, you may have to replace the damaged plank(s).

4. Wall Damage

Water damage can cause your walls to bubble up or cause paint to peel. This is because the excess water can make your walls soft, and in turn, cause cracks on the baseboard. Failure to respond quickly can lead to costly repairs.

If you notice any of these signs, you should get water damage restoration services to keep your home in good condition. Water damage can affect any home, but solving it earlier will give you better control.

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